Enterprise 2.0

Feedback needed on This Enterprise 2.0 Tool

Posted on September 7, 2007. Filed under: Enterprise 2.0 |

It’s quiet a confusing state of affairs I have just come to realize! As many people those many interpretations and all true!

How long can one keep talking about stuff (read Enterprise 2.0) in abstract. Why it works and why not. How should you approach it and how not… At sometime or the other one has to get down to the practicalities of implementation. There’s no clear guide here on the Enterprise 2.0 tools that are available and which one’s work in which scenario (Guess mostly it is the wiki’s and blogs that people keep going back to). And I wouldn’t be exaggerating here if I say that there are a million products out on the net in the same arena.

Enterprise 2.0 is a passel of separate products today, which helps explain why more than half of companies cite the lack of staff expertise as a major obstacle. “The growing pains are finding a tool that meets the needs,” says Chuck Parris, VP of interactive services at American Tire Distributors. “You’ve got to be expert at going out and looking at all the information that’s out there, and that’s the hard part.”

Enterprise 2.0 applications — Here’s where i found out about quiet a few tools I was unaware of .

As for Taskbin it’s a tool which gel’s well in any scenario including Enterprise 2.0. Taskbin allows you to –

  • Manage a Project or company: TaskBin makes it easy for you to manage a team, event, or group project. You can easily add members and keep track of what gets done and when! You can easily see a summary of what was recently added or completed, or see the task lists of all members in your group.
  • Share Group Tasks and Responsibility With Others: TaskBin makes it easy for you to work in groups and share tasks with others. With TaskBin, you can assign a task to someone else in your group, or share the responsibility of a task with one or more group members. All of the tasks in a group are visible to all group members, and they can be edited or completed by any member of the group.
  • Get Things Done: Many times we have more tasks than we can remember. TaskBin helps us get tasks done! With TaskBin, all tasks are managed with simple priorities creating shared task lists that keep us organized and on track!
  • Never lose your tasks again: Your tasks are securely stored on our reliable servers and all of your data is password protected.

I would love to hear your feedback/comments on the 2.0 tools that you would have used. The scenarios in which they worked or did not work.And yes in case you happen to try out Taskbin ,your experience of it.

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New Enterprise 2.0 Tool | TaskBin.com

Posted on September 4, 2007. Filed under: Enterprise 2.0, Organization 2.0 |

Almost immediately after my last post a colleague happened to read it and stopped by to ask if I wasn’t over-simplifying the whole thing and since I hadn’t sorted out that comment in my head maybe I found an excuse of being busy and thus no posts for an entire week!!

Now let’s try and dissect the whole thing a bit further, in a workplace generally/mostly knowledge (of any kind ) is power .

  • If you know which is the next big project coming in, it’s power since now that you know about it, you would also know the right people to reserve yourself a berth in that project
  • If you know what the manager has rated other’s as in an appraisal you obviously are in the inner circle .The circle with the ability to influence things.
  • If you have the right skills, it definitely is power over your colleagues and seniors .

So it does happen that a lot of people hoard information/knowledge. This is the challenge that knowledge management guru’s struggle with , finding the right guys with the right information and then convincing them to disseminate it meaningfully across the organization.

Now let’s see what happens in an online model? Let’s say blogging -because of the inherent nature of the model, the more you share the more powerful you become are perceived to be. The more powerful you become the more you attract the other powerful people thus forming a community. I don’t think I would need to argue the power of communities.

So guess, for any organization wanting to implement the Enterprise 2.0 model would have to make the paradigm shift from hoarding to sharing. What could help is incentivisation of sharing to give it a push .

Now about trust… how do you build trust? It would be there if the management makes a concentrated effort for being fair and consistent. It helps if there is transparency. We at MangoSpring use TaskBin to achieve transparency, a tool which helps us achieve just that. It started with our quest in the early days for a light weight team management tool. Since we weren’t satisfied with the one’s available we just went ahead and built one from scratch!! With TaskBin all the tasks in a team are shared and visible to everyone bottom up and top down both ways. Does away the need for status meetings and also suited to the needs of teams working across locations.

Finally when you have trust and you have sharing you have a team!!

There’s another interesting perspective on the fastforward blog read here.

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